CS 495-01     Special Topics in Computer Science:  Evolutionary Computation       Fall 2002

SYLLABUS                                                                                               August 27, 2002

Instructor:      Jeffrey Horn,  email:     jhorn@nmu.edu
                        office:   New Science Building 1119
                        phone:  227-1607

Office Hours:   

Textbook (required):  Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning  by David E. Goldberg

Classroom:   New Science Building, Room 1209
Meeting Times:  3:00 - 4:40 pm    Tu,Th
Prerequisites:   CS 122 or equivalent (one year) of programming experience, and  MA 240, or permission of instructor.
Our web page:   http://cs.nmu.edu/~jeffhorn/Classes/EC/Fall2002

 (I will use the web page EXTENSIVELY, posting everything I can up there as soon as possible.  This includes all electronic forms of handouts, assignments, solutions, sample tests, etc.  Also I will post announcements, links to interesting, topic-related sites, etc.  So please check our page regularly!  At the very least, twice a week.  We will also have a WebCT page for posting grades, etc.)

TOPICS:  (tentative)


Abstract Models of Computation (Turing Machines, RAM model, etc.)

Complexity Hierarchy


NP-Hardness, NP-Completeness

Heaps and Priority Queues
Advanced Sorting
Advanced Trees