CS 222 Fall 2005 Instr. Jeff Horn Programming Assignment 1: HELLO WORLD! (well, a bit more...) DUE: Wed. Sept. 7, 2005, in class! (email source code to jhorn@nmu.edu by 3pm!) The goal of this assignment is to get you started with a new IDE, namely, Visual C++. Step 1: Get it installed! Then, start a new project, choosing "WIN 32 Console Application" under File->New->Projects". Then choose "A Hello World application" to get some skeleton code. WHAT WE DID IN CLASS WED. AUG 31: Now modify the code so that you have an infinite loop that reads in ints from the console, and accumulates a product of all ints so far, and prints the product to the screen each time through the loop. YOUR TASK: Detect integer overflow and report it to the console user! WRITTEN PROBLEM: Describe, in words, your algorithm for finding the median integer in an array of "n" integers, with n > 0. Your algorithm should try to minimize the number of integer comparisons (i.e., ">", "<", "=="). You decide, and tell me, if your algorithm "handles" duplicate integers in the array. (I.e., if you want to assume an array of n DISTINCT integers, just say so, but you will get more points if you can handle the more general case!) Goal here is to see how well you can communicate an algorithm in ENGLISH! You may use "pseudocode", whatever that is! Also due Wed., Sept. 7 in class. Just email it to me!